Hello and Welcome

As I am currently away from home for study, and as Skype has proven to be rather problematic in terms of time zones, I have decided to start a blog in an attempt to keep in touch with family and friends back in Canada.

November 23, 2011

ShaoXing and Two Random Pictures

This is My Class Schedule for Chinese Classes

I nice building in ZJU.

Some pictures from the trip to the city south of Hangzhou. (Shaoxing)

Nancy and I left early in the morning to catch the train to Shaoxing, luckily we were able to get an earlier train and ended up arriving in the city more than an hour earlier than planned. From there we went to LuXun's former residence and school. It was very crowded there, and the streets were full of people and shops. We saw the 100 plant garden, which I thought was kinda funny since it just looked like a big plot of weeds to me, but it was apparently were Luxun enjoyed spending a lot of time. I also was able to learn a bit about China's Educational system, which was very interesting.

Afterwards, we went for luch, the food was really good at the restuarant, although it was quite expensive! We ordered a lot of food, and although we intended to get some spicy dishes, they were not particularily spicy. We were going to go see one of the mountians in the area, but the waitress said that the mountian was really boring, so we ended up calling one of Nancy's friends, who was from Shaoxing, and she told us about a nice place to go.

We went to DaYue's buruial grounds. It was a beautiful mountian by a lake, and at the very top of the mountian was a monument to him. From the top we could see the city, although the view was rather obscured by the treesjust underneath the ledge.

I had a lot of fun on the trip, on the way back we had sushi before heading back to Hangzhou. We missed the last train, but managed to get one to in a further area of Hangzhou and from there we took a bus back, and then a taxi from there. We were rather tired by the end, but I'm glad I went. =)

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